Elizaphan Ntakirutimana deixou o presídio em dezembro de 2006 e morreu em janeiro de 2007, aos 83 anos. Seu filho, Gérard Ntakirutimana, médico adventista, que também participous do genocídio em Ruanda, ainda cumpre pena de 25 anos de reclusão.
Elizaphan Ntakirutimana Released After Serving Sentence
Dec 6, 2006
Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, (81) former senior pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist church who on 19 February 2003 was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment after being convicted of aiding and abetting genocide in Rwanda, was today released from prison at the end of his sentence.
Pastor Ntakirutimana was first arrested on 29 September 1996 in Texas, USA, and then released and re-arrested. He was transferred to the Detention Facility in Arusha on 24 March 2000 and made his initial appearance on 31 March 2000.
During his sentencing Trial Chamber I of the Tribunal ruled that credit was to be given for the time the accused had already served on remand in the United States and Arusha, Tanzania.
The accused becomes the first ICTR convict to be released after serving his sentence. Elizaphan was jointly charged with his son Gerard, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison. The two accused jointly faced two indictments, the ‘Mugonero’ indictment with five counts and the ‘Bisesero’ indictment with seven counts. Both indictments charged the accused with genocide, or in the alternative complicity in genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide as well as crimes against humanity.
The Appeals Chamber found Elizaphan Ntakirutimana guilty of aiding and abetting in genocide and aiding and abetting extermination as a crime against humanity. It confirmed the Trial Chamber factual findings that he had transported attackers to places where they pursued and killed Tutsi refuges, and in the area of Bisesero he went to Murambi church and ordered the removal of the church roof so that it could no longer be used as shelter for the Tutsi, thus facilitating their being hunted down and killed.
Fonte: http://www.unictr.org/tabid/155/Default.aspx?ID=92
Former Pastor Ntakirutimana Dies
Jan 23, 2007
The Registrar of the ICTR, Mr. Adama Dieng announced the death yesterday of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana (83) at the AICC Hospital in Arusha. Elizaphan Ntakirutimana was former Pastor of 7 th Day Adventist in Kibuye. He was released on 6 December 2006 after completing his sentence.
On 19 February 2003, Elizaphan Ntakirutimana was sentenced with his son Gerard by Trial Chamber I of the Tribunal to 10 years and 25 years respectively.
On 13 December 2004, the Appeals Chamber confirmed the sentences imposed by Trial Chamber I, affirmed the conviction of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana for aiding and abetting genocide and entered a conviction for aiding and abetting extermination as a crime against humanity. However the Appeals Chamber quashed Elizaphan’s conviction for aiding and abetting genocide for his participation in events which occurred at Mugonero.
Pastor Ntakirutimana was first arrested on 29 September 1996 in Texas. He was then released and re-arrested and transferred to the Detention Facility in Arusha on 24 March 2000. He made his initial appearance on 31 March 2000. Gérard Ntakirutimana is currently serving his sentence.
Vocês também deveriam citar o gerente do Hotel Belga, que era e continua sendo adventista, e que conseguiu salvar a vida de 1.264 pessoas em Kigali, capital de Ruanda.
Evidentemente, ele não era pastor e não pertencia à Administração da Igreja. Um leigo, merecedor de nossas felicitações, com toda certeza!
sou adentista , defendo a verdade que e o que pregamos. quem nao estiver do lado da verdade vai morrer . pois quem nao estar com a verdade ,estar com a mentira e a mentira nao vem de DEUS. por isso no dia do julgamento seram julgados pela propria verdade que o negaram. por isso o que tiver de sofrer pela verdade, sofreremos mais nao negaremos. O SENHOR NOS HONRARAR.
Por que tanta raiva dos adventistas! tudo bem que questionam as doutrinas, não vejo mal nisso, mas parece que vcs ficam felizes com as coisas ruins que acontece com eles?? as pessoas desse site ja foram adventistas??
eu sugiro que vcs continuem colocando artigos sobre a biblia, mas parem de fazer fofocas, pois o Diabo ja se encarrega disso..
um grande abraço